Role: E-commerce website manager, tasked with the optimization and maintenance of the live site in tandem with the development of Pinkys 2.0.

As the manager of the Pinkys e-commerce site, I work hand in hand with teams expert in SEO, marketing, sales, logistics and custom app development to provide an unparalleled experience in this consumer-facing industry

Tools of the Trade: Shopify, Basecamp, Asana, Figma, Photoshop

Select Achievements:

  • Extensive product page redesign for heightened conversions and functionality

  • UI/UX improvements site-wide

  • Development of extensive interactive informational tools and resources

  • Developed comprehensive price calculator to build custom doors and windows

  • Comprehensive back-end reorganization for improved productivity and team efficiency

  • Planning and implementation of promotions to drive sales

  • Planning, implementation and development of custom and pre-made applications

Select Links:

Select portfolio available on request
